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This page lists the periodical titles indexed in the Slavic Humanities Index. These periodicals are, for the most part, not included in other scholarly databases. This index compiles these difficult to obtain resources in one location so that researches can efficiently find material relevant to their projects and research areas. At this stage, the index includes periodicals published in Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine. We will continue to increase the amount of relevant periodicals and hope to expand the index to include publications published in other countries in the future.
The periodicals included are published by the Academies of Sciences of different countries, academic presses, and by various scholarly and cultural organizations of the region.
The periodicals are relevant to humanities disciplines such as: history, literature, philosophy, language, linguistics, performing arts, visual arts, ethnology, cultural, borderland, and regional studies.
The included material includes scholarly journals, series, almanacs, and selected cultural journals.