Slavic Humanities Index

with Full Text




Welcome to the Slavic Humanities Index!

The Slavic Humanities Index is a research database in the field of Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern European Studies. This comprehensive database provides access to important scholarly periodicals published in the region that until now had remained largely unindexed and, therefore, difficult to utilize in research. It includes publications from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Israel, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine. The index offers a single point of access to bibliographic citations of articles, book reviews and other materials across different disciplines including: history, literature, philosophy, language, linguistics, ethnology, theatre and film studies, cultural studies, borderland studies, and regional studies. The database is updated monthly.

Designed for the academic community and other interested researchers, the index aims to improve accessibility to scholarship from the region and thus aid research in this field. This resource presents a wealth of material for new scholarship, which provides more visibility to contemporary scholarship from the region. The intent of this index is to open the rich world of Slavic humanities to scholarly and cultural communities around the globe.

Around one-third of the periodical titles in the database contain full text. This makes the index a more valuable research tool for Slavic studies. Additional full text articles and smaller items are added to the database continuously.


September 30, 2024

Hercegovina: Časopis za kulturno i povijesno nasljeđe (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 10 / 2024
Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne (Poland) 1 / 2024
Rocznik Łódzki (Poland) 73 / 2023
Сіверянський літопис (Chernihiv, Ukraine) 4 / 2024
Слово і час (Kyiv, Ukraine) 4 / 2024



September 30, 2024

Articles indexed to date: 227,506

Issues indexed to date: 11,595

Book reviews indexed to date: 33,885